Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas

Maria Montessori, as a survivor of two world wars and countless conflicts, was a staunch and outspoken advocate for peace and justice. She said,  "The child is both the hope and the promise for mankind."  She also believed, "The child brings us great hope and new vision. There is much we can do to bring humanity to deeper understanding, to a higher well-being, and to a greater spirituality."
Your children have been busy with Christmas projects as well as math, art, and geography work.  They have enjoyed "singing peace around the world" along with our other Christmas songs and poems.

                             Light a candle for peace. Light a candle for love.
                            Light a candle that shines all the way around the world.
                           Light a candle for me. Light a candle for you
                          That our wish for world peace will one day come true.

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, the Montessori teachers and children want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and many blessings for the New Year. Thank you for all you do for us! We look forward to lots more learning and growing in 2013. See you in January!

Parts of a reindeer book 
 Counting candy canes
 Making bead candy canes
Sewing Christmas trees
                                                             Sewing gingerbread men

Friday, December 14, 2012

KayDee Puppets

KayDee Puppets came to The Woods library today with their Christmas show, "Mortimer's New Job."  Mortimer, the mouse, was helping Santa with lots of jobs at his North Pole workshop because he could not remember his new job, and then he couldn't remember the safe combination--until he retraced his steps. He was the keeper of the list of all the "good boys and girls" for Santa! We enjoyed the show and loved meeting Mortimer to "high five" or get our ears tasted!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Units, Tens and...Santa?

The Lunchers have been reviewing place value, especially units and tens, in Everyday Math this month.  They have also been counting dimes and pennies.  One day last week the blue table was full of math--"bundles" game, grouping tens and ones, ten bars and units, etc.--everyone doing math with the exception of one child who was reading a phonetic book about Santa. The following was overheard:
Child #1--"I'm going to see Santa this weekend."
Child #2-- " Santa is not real--He's just Coach."
Child # 3--"How do you know?"
CHild # 2--" I can see his face!"
Child #3--"He could be a mall Santa. They are really just Santa's helpers since he is so busy packing toys for Christmas."
Child #1--Well, I'm going to see the real Santa on Saturday.  Know how I know?  Mrs. Claus is coming with him!"


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December in Montessori

The holidays are coming! There's excitement in the air!  The Montessori children are busy with sewing and craft projects to help celebrate the season.  We hope all will be ready December 21st when Christmas break begins--and not a moment sooner!

What's up in Montessori?
  • The Montessori coffee for prospective families is Wednesday morning, Dec. 5.  Please invite friends and neighbors to stop by to a visit our Montessori Program.
  • The Montessori children will attend the first grade Library Theater performances on Dec. 13.  We look forward to seeing our grader friends on stage!
  • Please volunteer for Luncher Hot Lunch using the following link. To view the sign up, go to:
  • Lunchers will attend Mass Dec. 7 for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
  • KayDee Puppets is bring their Christmas show to our library for Montessori and first grade on Friday, Dec. 14.
  • Lunchers will be singing in The Woods Christmas Concert on Thursday, Dec. 20 at 1:00. They should wear "Sunday Best." Parking is off campus at the Orthodox Church of St. George on Bradley Blvd. Shuttles will run continuously from 12:00. Please join us or sign up for livestreaming via the link in the e-folder.
  • Save the Dates:  Father-Child Breakfast is Thursday, January 17 from 8:00-9:15(1/24 snowdate). Mother-Child Breakfast is Thursday, February 7 from 8:00-9:15 (2/14 snowdate). Woods Winter Open Houses are January 16, 23, 30 from 9:00-10:30.
  • Please make sure your child's cubbie has weather appropriate clothes including socks. If your child borrows our extras, please wash and return asap. Your child also needs coat, hat, mittens, and, if there is any snow, boots.  We play outside everyday unless it is raining. We love shoveling snow and building snowmen!  The Montessori adage from Germany is,"There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."  Layers work well.  Sending hats and mittens in school bags means being prepared, especially for the morning temperature.
  • Please check the course pages for snack calendars, newsletters and photos. The next newsletters will be posted on Dec. 5.
  • Don't forget to send in your child's pictures--one as a baby and one "right now"-- for our January board.
  • Winter sessions for PEP classes are now available. Check out the website for workshops and classes and learn some useful strategies for parenting.
  • Lastly, the Student Council is collecting canned goods and personal items for the Little Sisters of the Poor. While we are not part of the Green/White Challenge, we can help them fill their pantry by sending some of the needed items. "Tis the season" for love and peace!
                                                                                            Sewing Christmas trees on burlap.

                                                             Sewing gingerbread men.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Good Vibrations

All three Montessori classes are exploring the science of sound and also learning about musical instruments.  They have discovered you can actually see, hear, and feel vibrations using a tuning fork or when dropping a penny into a bowl of water. The violin's strings vibrate.  The air inside the flute vibrates. All these vibrations can make beautiful music--or noise!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Apples, Apples

All three Montessori classes tasted apples from our local farmer's market.  Afterwards they chose their favorites and created class graphs.  Each class had a different favorite!! They also chopped Jonagold  apples to make applesauce for their traditional Thanksgiving feast.  The halls smelled like warm apples and cinnamon all day--and it tasted delicious!


Where in the World?

Where in the world does professional development take Woods' teachers? This time it took Mrs. Piwko and Mrs. Gerber to LasVegas where they joined several thousand other teachers to learn more about reading and writing at the National Council of Teachers of English Conference. Mrs Piwko concentrated on middle school topics while Mrs. Gerber learned more about using authors and illustrators as mentors for young writers as well as using iPads and e-books in the classroom.  Both were mesmerized by all the new books displayed by publishers.  Their suitcases were very heavy on the return flight!

" The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes."                                                                                Marcel Proust


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Conflict Resolution 101

                    "Anyone can find places, but the finding of people is a gift from God."
                                                                                                 E. M. Forester

Friends are the reason most children go to school in spite of what teachers and parents intend!  It takes real skill to make and keep friends so lessons to identify feeling, negociate getting needs met in a group, sharing and turn taking, and resolving conflicts are an important part of Montessori "grace and courtsey" activities.

This month Montessori has been working on using I-Statements and Echo-Listening. I-statements are very effective in getting needs met by friends (and teachers!). Say, "I feel__________when _____________. I wish___________________."  When someone uses an I statement, the response is an "echo-listen:" "Oh, so you don't like___________or don't want______________. O K.  I will _____________."  An apology follows if warranted. Echo listening creates behavior ownership and a real response to what has actually been said rather than what I assume you are thinking (being an age-appropriate, egogentric three to five year old).

The Owls and Lunchers have also been learning about the difference between tattling and reporting.  Tattling is a normal, but ineffective way to solve problems with peers. It can become a habit!  Reporting  is necessary telling. Distinguishing the difference takes practice and more practice.  To help, we have read two books: A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue and Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal. Both encourage children to assess situations to decide whether the problem is "kid-sized" and can be handled initially by the child himself or whether it is a "big deal," or even an emergency, and needs adult support. Knowing when to get help is important!

                  "Truely great friends are hard to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget."


Friday, November 9, 2012

Find the Treasure!

X marks the spot for Woodsnet! You can find all sorts of interesting information on your child's course pages.  There are newsletters listing favorite books from the past two weeks, interesting topics discussed in Hands On Science, and the latest recipe from Owl cooking, in addition to what's happening in PE, music, and Spanish/French.   The monthly snack calendars can be downloaded. There are picture albums from classroom events as well as work time.  What a wonderful way to "see" what's going on in your child's classroom.  There are also reminders from teachers about spare clothes for cubbies, weather appropriate clothing for the playground, and "last call" for our candy collection for Mother Teresa's House of Peace.

The next newsletters will be posted November 14 and following alternate Wednesdays. Find the "treasure" of information and use it open a discussion with your child about what s/he is doing at school.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why Technology?

The Lunchers have enjoyed meeting Mr. Smith in the computer lab and learning some important early tech skills like click/drag and opening/closing applications while practicing their math skills.  All three classes recently built shape patterns with"Kidspiration."   After having some practice with real, hands-on materials, they also played the Everyday Mathematics games "Monster Squeeze," "Spin a Number" and "Disappearing Train."


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hooray for Reading!

The second graders are Montessori's "Reading Buddies." They use part of their library time to select books at their own reading level and appropriate to read aloud to us.  In the process, they work on their oral expression and reading fluency.  Our Montessori students work on their good listening skills, enjoy a wide variety of genre, and look forward to becoming readers soon!  It's a win-win activity for all participants-- enjoyed by all!

                                         Look what Ms. Canter's iPhone can do--panoramic!

Friday, November 2, 2012

November Reminders

November is here!  Montessori will be learning all about fall, including the parts of a leaf, apple, and turkey. Don't be surprised to hear names like "ovate", "cordate" and "linear" after your child has worked with the Botany Cabinet!  We love learning and using new vocabulary! Don't be surprised to find that we love raking leaves into giant piles! We will also be tasting apples as well as chopping them to make applesauce for our Thanksgiving Feast on November 20th. Look for our Favorite Apple Graph in the hall!

The Lunchers will be learning about symmetry, probability, and geometric solids.  They will also be counting pennies and dimes and building tens, hundreds, and thousands with the Digi-Blocks.

Here are some dates to remember this month:
Nov. 2--Lunchers taking Spanish celebrate Dia de Muertos
Nov. 6--Picture makeup day
Nov.8-9--Parent Conferences (no class for students)
Nov. 15--Lunchers taking French celebrate National French Week
Nov. 21-25--Thanksgiving holiday
Nov. 29-- Lunchers trip to Imagination Stage

Note:  On Thursday (11/8) and Friday (11/9) we will have small table activities set up in the hall outside the Montessori classrooms for children waiting while parents attend their conferences.  Plan to explore the Book Fair together after your conference.

                                                             The Botany Cabinet
                                                                  Leaf rubbing

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Snack Reminder

As you check your November Snack Calendars, it is a great time to review our snack policy. The Montessori classrooms are peanut and nut free. Please check package labels carefully and avoid sending snacks containing peanut products or nuts, including items which "may have been processed on machines using these products."  We endeavor to keep the classrooms safe for children with allergies at all times and cannot serve these items. We also want to include all children at snack time whenever possible so teachers have added additional allergens to their specific snack calendars.  We appreciate your vigilance! 

                                          M I enjoyed making and spreading butter. Yum!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Guess Who?!

Dressing up is lots of fun!  The Montessori children enjoyed lovely Halloween snacks this morning with all their classmates. Then, this afternoon many dresses up for the parade.  There were super heroes, Star Wars characters, princesses, witches, policemen, fire fighters, military soldiers, cheerleaders, Dorothy, clowns, cats and Tigger.  Mr. Powers was the Woods Owl!  We played Halloween bingo, too.  Now we can't wait to trick-or-treat tonight!

PS: Don't forget to bring some candy for House of Peace.  Sharing is caring!