Printing ornaments with paint and design stamps.
Embossing designs using the light box.
Painting trees at the easel.
Sponge printing Christmas trees.
Labeling Christmas objects.
Using cookie cutters with Magic Foam.
Using tongs to sort Christmas ornaments.
Creating parts of books: parts of a trumpet, parts of a violin, parts of Santa, parts of a Christmas tree.
Cutting paper designs using a template.
Using a magnet to transfer and count bells.
Using glue and sequins to decorate Christmas trees.
Sewing Christmas trees on burlap.
Sewing on felt with real needles to make bell and stocking ornaments.
The Montessori children also have enjoyed many holiday stories. They have learned songs and poems as well as created and wrapped secret surprises for their parents. Shhh! We won't tell!
All the children made Magic Reindeer food. They had to measure and mix for Santa's team!
The children decorated bags for the "Cup of Joe" faculty service project--adding paint or stickers or drawing trees, stars, and snowmen to add a bit of cheer to breakfast at the shelter.
Setting up the manger. Don't forget baby Jesus!
Listen for your cue! Musical instruments add festive sounds.
The Montessori staff joins me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We appreciate all your gifts, especially the gift of sharing your children with us. We are truly blessed!
"Anyone can find places, but the finding of people is a gift from God." --EM Forester