In Montessori we usually say. "Less is more." However when it comes to the topic of sleep, "More is more!" Sleep is a very important component in brain development. Our "fantastic, elastic" brains need sleep. Sleep allows the brain to consolidate knowledge from the day's learning. Children in Montessori are always learning so there's a BIG need to consolidate!
Sleep enhances academic performance, regulation of emotions, and memory as well as attention and health.
August is the time to reset the sleep clock so that children get the required amount of sleep AND are ready for their earlier school schedule. It is important to be on time for school--ready and eager for learning and social life!
Your child can help you build a family bedtime routine that allows him/her to wind down, relax, and get ready for bed. TV, iPad, video games,(and technology in general) are not usually helpful. Bath time, reading books together, puzzles,or "sharing time" help children calm. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends most children get ten hours of sleep per night.
Wishing you more!
Sweet dreams! Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite...and you will be ready for the many wonderful days ahead in Montessori. See you soon!