Friday, February 13, 2015

Use Your Senses!

The Montessori Sensorial Materials are designed to engage children with hands on, active learning. Many are self-correcting. The children can match, grade, classify and label by attribute--size, color, shape, smell, taste, sound, texture or temperature. They also provide indirect preparation for reading, writing, and mathematics.

This is a cone!

The Geometric Solids

The Second Color Box

Second Color Box with Labels

The Third Color Box

The Third Color Box completed!

The Sound Boxes--listen and match!

The Knobbed Cylinders

The Constructive Triangles

--and, more activities with Constructive Triangles.
There are so many geometric shapes you can make with triangles!

Knobless Cylinders

The Geometric Cabinet

The Brown Stair

The Pink Tower

The Binomial Cube

The Trinomial Cube

The Mystery Bag--Can you touch and guess?

"There is nothing in the intellect which was not first in the senses, but it exists in the intellect in a different mode in the senses."                               --Aristotle