Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Montessori: A Place for Development

ND = Needs Development. That's a good thing! Mother Nature cannot be rushed! We can provide opportunities and experiences that give children significant practice. This is especially important in the development of motor coordination. Practice does "make better!"

The environment must offer  the child learning activities that incorporate movement and the senses to best capture and build knowledge.    --Maria Montessori

In his quest for independence a child would like to "do it myself."  Purposeful work is preferred.

The world does not always cooperate, however.  Parent are often in a hurry, or there is traffic in the carpool line, or a line at the checkout counter ...

Here are some suggestions for changing ND to AD:
Climbing unassisted into the car and car seat.
Buckling seat belts
Dressing oneself head to toe
Tying shoes
Folding laundry
Using scissors
Helping with planting and weeding the garden
Helping wash the car
Tearing lettuce for salad
Folding napkins and setting the table
Kneading dough for bread or rolls

Education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by the individual and is acquired not by listening to words but by experiences upon the environment.  --Maria Montessori

Needs Development is an essential stage. It is growth potential. It needs nurture. When growth happens, self-confidence explodes!

Sometimes very small children in a proper environment develop skill and exactness in their work that can only surprise us.   --Maria Montessori

1 comment:

  1. Really thanks for sharing this useful post . This post is very informative . keep sharing .

    Hamilton Childcare
